Tag Archives: environment


This study it still standes out the consumption and the impacts of the development that has generated problems for the population of Altamira. The elements that influence the formation of the consumption societies compromise the support of the life in the planet land, therefore the population growth shakes the socioeconmicas structures, cultural politics and of […]

Monteest Beauty

‘ ‘ In today (20/04) the auction for the concession of the hidroelectric exploitation of BeloMonte, that the Federal Government intends to install in the river Xingu, in the State of the Par.Sob a strong police apparatus, the investors had had to enter for a portalateral of the ANEEL (National Agency of Electric Energy), with […]

State Crisis

The denomination ' ' sustentabilidade' ' comumente it is used enters the scholars in the ambient area to consider the break-even point of ecosystems, being meant to keep or maintenance and to conserve. In its ampler direction this concept demonstrates the search of a strategy to reach the harmony between the human beings and the […]

Africa World

To take the power is a form to assume of what already it is formed, alimentandoo then so that it continues to exist. The attempts to change the world conquering the State they had been failed and Hollaway (2003, P. 32/312), affirms that, during more than one hundred years, the dreams of transformation of the […]

Water Station

The domestic dessedentao, uses and public uses of the water if relate to those demands that are supplied by systems of water supply. These systems are dimensionados to take care of to the demands that directly depend on the population to be taken care of. The demographic projection determines the estimate of the demand. The […]


Methodology the research was developed from a bibliographical revision specifies, deepening the theoretical study in the necessary methodology for the basement of this article of scientific initiation, taking care of to the requirements for the understanding of the subject to be boarded is: management of residues, solid residues urban, ambient impacts in lixes, handling of […]

Ambient Education

However, it is evident that one is about an empirical knowledge, a time that its concepts are limited. Graph 3? Perception concerning the Ambient Education as it disciplines. When analyzing the answers represented in graph 3, we perceive that those that had answered yes, had justified saying that Ambient Education had content sufficiently, thus it […]


It is inconceivable to deal with this phenomenon without taking in account the biological factors that conduct or hinder this event. As main biological importance, in if treating to the function related to the germination of the seed, an essential fact for the balance and success of the vegetal life in the propagation process or […]

SOUZA Pupils

The society together with the public agencies must implant ONGS (Organizao Not-Governmental) for the accomplishment of a work directed toward the garbage, unhappyly notices that the only existing ONGS in Brazil do not possess ways to remain themselves nor so little receive donations from the proper government for continuity of the work that is carried […]

The Amaznia (Brazilian) Is Ours

THE BRAZILIAN AMAZNIA IS OURS. Either made not yours, but our will, and here it is that the North American empire suffers one revs, not only lives a storm provoked for the crisis of the internal real estate market as well as for the voracity of the extreme expense of the public money generating the […]

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