Monthly Archives: janvier 2017

Samsung WB

If you’re thinking about taking good pictures to store nice moments we present the WB500 for Samsung, the 10.2 megapixel camera which will make you discover a new world, as reads the slogan of Samsung for this new product. It offers images with the highest quality, thanks to its 10.2 megapixel camera and high resolution […]

Credit Insurance and More

Today's world is the experience of a constant process of expansion in all fields such as technology, architecture, economics, such as the basis only of example, such processes cause everyday should seek growth by choosing the useful means to accomplish such a task, so entering the field that is of importance in this paper, is […]

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New Economic Openings

The man who was, can only be in correlation with this world also it was. For our problem faced by both human, no more resources than we get from our own present nature, and more hope that the potential projects that fit our time. The man and his conscience have been hard all the time […]

Cuban Process

Taking into account new unquestionable reality that computing in the school should be used as a working tool and as an intellectual tool for the participation of the personal skills of students in terms of solving problems creatively. As a means of teaching courseware constitutes a vital elementode importance to the achievement of the objectives […]