Monteest Beauty

‘ ‘ In today (20/04) the auction for the concession of the hidroelectric exploitation of BeloMonte, that the Federal Government intends to install in the river Xingu, in the State of the Par.Sob a strong police apparatus, the investors had had to enter for a portalateral of the ANEEL (National Agency of Electric Energy), with fear was carried through dosmanifestantes that was of the side of is. Only that these were forbidden pelJustia of if revealing: a prohibitory interdict inserted by the ANEEL, eacatado for Justice (), quilmetrodo local of the auction forbade any manifestant of if approaching menosde 1! ‘ ‘ (ISA, 2010) Currently the others are absent public dediscusso four barrages that in the decade of 1980 were empauta to be constudas next to the Beautiful Mount: UHE Ipixuna, with capacity de1.900 MW; UHE Kakraimoro, with capacity of 1.490 MW; UHE Iriri, with capacidadede 770 MW; UHE Jarina, with 620 capacity MW. The governmental persistence in constructing Monteest Beauty based on a strategy of arguments inside of the logic and vantagenscomparativas of the Brazilian energy matrix. The rivers of the right edge doAmazonas have propitious declivities to the generation of energy, and the Xingu if it detaches, also for its position in relation to the fronts of economic expansion (predatory) of the central region of the country. o your understanding. The drawing of Beautiful Mount was coats eos impacts reduced in relation to the proposal of the decade of 1980. The lake, porexemplo, initially foreseen to have 1,200 km2, was reduced, later doencontro, for 400 km2. The socioambientalistas, however, are convencidosde that beyond the impacts indirect right-handers and, Beautiful Mount is a horse of Troy, therefore other barrages will come total later, modifying and for worse the vidana region. .

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