Monthly Archives: octobre 2016

Matrix Technology

More transparency and service-orientation thanks to proven methodology of standard services such as password reset or Internet access on the appointment of new laptops and the establishment of complete work stations for the provision of business-critical applications and cloud services: An average 700 different typical of a medium-sized company IT Department provides services to their […]

Germany Cleaning

For the first time the machine cleaning of textiles is method test different cleaning options were possible in one of the VDS sun protection cleaner Association of German (vacuum/brush, hand wash, machine brush roller cleaning, hub-mechanical washing process, the conventional washing machine and the ultrasonic cleaning wipe damp,) blinds, pleats and space curtains from a […]

Strengthen Immune System

With hypnosis CD your own immune system effectively strengthen by everyday stress and caused by the cold season the immune system can quickly get out of the joints and the defenses are weakened. The immune system is attacked once, you feel not only physically pale and exhausted, but also the mental forces are weakened. A […]

Christmas Lights

A power connector and 1000 lamps light up a fantastic Christmas lights quickly and easily install in your garden? With Christmas lights in the plug-in system lamps using only a single power connector can be operated up to 1000. Can be combined, what you like. Lights, lights nets, icicles, trees, stars and many other ideas […]


So that the end item reach the qualities desired, Gomes Son (2003) list some excellent ergonomic aspects on the project of a product that can be applied to the object of study of this work. They are: Task (Function of use) a product must function, being able of it if to usufruct practical, aesthetic, psychological […]

Production of New Models of Machinery

The production and development of new models of machinery in the first two decades of the nineteenth century facilitated the manufacture and other industries also increased their production. So in the industrial revolution increased the amount of products and decrease the time in which these are carried out, giving way to mass production because it […]

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NetApp Storage Systems

New in the fast lane training program: ‘Design & implement virtualization solutions on NetApp storage’ Hamburg/Berlin, October 14, 2009 as worldwide NetApp learning partner fast lane extended its program to the training design & implement virtualization solutions on NetApp storage (DIVS). This four-day course is aimed primarily at managers who plan virtualization solutions in conjunction […]