Tag Archives: services & consulting

Florida Business

IBS intelligent business solutions GmbH together with a well-known American relocation service company of the market in the United States is first built. Initially, the focus is on New York City, Boston, Florida and California. Rieta de Soet explains how the relocation service of IBS is constructed. The customer can choose between premium, gold and […]

Ralf Becker

Lawyer Ralf Becker offers now online divorces to the amicable separation saves time and money – and can be done online. It comes to divorce, Ralf Becker offers a convenient and time-saving alternative to the online divorce nationwide: the online divorce. Online divorce or Internet divorce is the correspondence between the applicant, Attorney, family court […]

Incentives In The Economic Crisis?

When incentives for businesses make sense that economic forecasts have been revised once again in the last few days down. Each 5 company in Germany has already introduced short-time working. A wave of layoffs is threatening for the summer. It is not something Thomas J. Wilson would like to discuss. There, the question of how […]

Highlevel Crises Sales Tuning

What topics are now in demand and what is expected for the future study: AssCompact TRENDS II/2009 crises sales atmosphere for independent advisors on still what topics are now asking high level and what is expected Heidenrod for the future, 04.06.2009. The financial market crisis took now properly influence after a first good start to […]

Customer Communication

Sikom invites you to the best practice day in Heidelberg Heidelberg, April 18, 2011 economic recovery, technological developments and new legal frameworks speed up the change in customer communication and service of many German companies. « The best practice day language without borders » the Sikom Software GmbH considers current developments together with external experts and venture […]

Gelsenkirchen Muller-BBM

Muller-BBM expands range of services to support and relief from executives in the industry. Through an in-depth analysis, as well as through the design, introduction and maintaining a legally compliant organization with the support of Muller-BBM the responsible Directors and the Managing Director be relieved considerably. Corporate structures become more complex and the globalization causes […]

External File Storage System

Electronically archive or external bearings? Companies are obliged to up to 10 years and partly also to keep tax-related documents through the statutory retention periods. Many companies voluntarily incorporate documents of important customers in its archives over a much longer period. Over the years, so a considerable volume can occur that requires a significant effort […]

Federation Methodology

By: errors and risks are detected early and their Influence with regard to otherwise applicable control and error costs in the production phase recognized and documented, cost can be avoid and make even more efficient systems and processes. After all, the cost / benefit optimization is most economical in the development phase. FMEA is the […]

American Superconductor Corp

This can be pretty well describe as an example of high temperature superconductivity. The discovery of ceramic materials took place in Europe. Since then, 20 years are past. From 1989 to 2001, several hundred million euros were invested in Germany. Withdrew the big firms such as Siemens in parts and materialise the expected success, the […]