Monthly Archives: février 2020

High Commissioner

The corpses will belong, with almost all security, to the 200 disappeared of a boat that was shipwrecked in that zone Thursday the past. They continue the operations search. The clandestine emigrants fled from the Libyan conflict. The bodies without life of 150 African immigrants have been found in the coasts of Tunisia, according to […]

Brown Boy

I will take as corpus the book the Brown boy of Ziraldo, writing in 1986, which, although to present the black as protagonist, presents a disrespect to the black race, contributing, thus, for the myth of the racial democracy, the escamoteao of the preconception, as well as for the propagation of this. For esteretipo it […]

Tax Administration

But no need to notify the tax office or authorized to be expected on their part. It is important to remember that the digitally signed electronic invoices, – digital divide – completely replaced the invoice sent on paper, so the digital divide is subject to the same requirements and obligations that paper bill. That is, […]

Sales Promotion

Speaking of advertising goods b2b (industrial goods) must be clearly understood that the only means of ATL (direct advertising) success is not achieved. Media, Internet, television, radio, outdoor advertising and all that relates to the direct Advertising, of course, must be present in the arsenal of competent advertiser. However, the maximum value can be obtained […]

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