Monthly Archives: novembre 2019

President Juan Manuel Santos

In a country that tends to forget its history and is little given to preserve solid institutions, it is worth noting the celebration of ephemera relating to facts, institutions or individuals who in a decisive way have contributed, and contribute to building the pillars of the Nacion.ayer, with a major academic event, the Externado of […]

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Brides Before Wedding

Every woman wants to be the prettiest on her wedding day. However, this cannot depend on only cosmetics. Cosmetics can, in the best cases, hide some defects, but do not have the ability to change its appearance. Therefore, it is important to be careful for at least two months before your wedding day. A facial […]

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Germany Doors

You can put a stop to burglars, takes precaution and heed some simple safety rules – whether alarm or biometric fingerprint reader. (tdx) For burglars, a true El Dorado is the cold season. It is early, and under the cover of darkness, the chance of being caught red-handed is rather low. Not for nothing is […]

Celsius Oil

Food scandals: they recur. Almost inevitable from the perspective of the producers and traders and others on the basis of price pressure. But they still exist, the real, unverpanschte quality. Whether organic or conventional: here comes another quality and transparency. After the many food scandals, clients demand right to high-quality products, where they can be […]


Linux is a free and open source based on Minix core and initially developed by Linus Torvals, is one of the projects of free software more popular, its source code is under GPL license. That is a distribution? A Linux distribution is a set of applications such as graphic environment, games, browsers etc. to work […]

Mining Equipment

With the steps of urbanization west, implementation of regional revitalization strategy and continuously increasing public welfare geological exploration, a series of world-class mineral bases in the western region have been found, as well as distribution patterns of important mineral resources in our country are changed overall. Especially for recent years, public welfare geological jobs pull […]

October Brazil

Dilma is representing the attempt of the government Squid of teruma continuity. But we are seeing for Brazil diverse cases of continuidadequebrada, exactly in governments of the PT. As I already spoke in previous article on ofavoritismo of Dilma of long ago (), it today has undeniable similarities with the mayor of Recife Joo of […]