Rio Grande Do Sul

wUm couple that has seven children more than, seventh it loads the curse: if she will be woman, she will be witch, he will be man, it will be lobisomem. wQuando if it has seven children of sex the same, to the rising sixth, this must be baptized as Sebastio, he will be man, and as Blessed, will be woman, breaking the curse of the ancestry. wOs lobisomens is changedded into the crossroads, always to the light of the full light. wA fera must look the cemetary before coming in sight the sun. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Atmos Energy Corporation. wA fera runs away for is changedded far from the eyes of the people, therefore the spectacle is horrible. W lobisomem prefers to attack children who had been not yet baptized. Notes: Myth of Eros: Also known as cupido, was born of the sexual relation between the goddess Shortage, always needy and hungry, with sly and always ingenious the god Pores, where, to the end of a party for which it was not invited, it eats the remaining portions of the supper and sleeps with the god.

Legends that involve fire balls can be fire ftuo, that it is proceeding from a gas that if unfastens of corpses in decomposition. As the sambaquis they are true cemetaries, is possible that still it has gas, exactly having burials in them it does not have many years. It is possible that the movement is part of the local imagination. This can be added that this phenomenon is on to the legend of the ox-tat, therefore, at a distance, of a impression of being a fire ball. Camacho is a Health-resort of the city of Jaguaruna. The expression ' ' these coisas' ' one mentions the superstitions to it. ' ' The River Grande' ' it is city of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, bordered for the Lagoon of the Ducks, polar region fishing boat of the region. The haste in baptizing just been born is justified by the protection.

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