Pedagogical Mediation

During all the execution proceeding of the project that includes activities of research, analysis of literary headings, debates, dramatizaes, tessitura of opinion article, seminary, organization of the literary fair, postagem of the productions in the virtual environment will be evaluated the interest, the participation, the verbal expressividade and writing, the argument capacity, the nimbleness in the manuscript of the technologies: Internet, hipertexto, Orkut and other activities. 9 FORMS OF SOCIALIZATION OF the PRODUCTIONS the activities will be socialized by means of: reading, analyses of texts, have debated, written dramatizaes, texts, article of opinion, seminaries. All activities will be registered of form digital printed and, affixed on the mural of the school and also postadas on the Orkut. 10 CONCLUSION the transformations that are occurring in the society demand that the educational system modifies its dynamics in order to offer an education with planned activities in order to become possible the use of all the resources of the technologies of the information and communication in function of the real necessities of its public. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Learn more. Literature promotes entertainment, pleasure, but also it informs contributing decisively in the formation of the reader. It fits to the professor to redirect the use of the medias printed and virtual of planned form and thus it will be redimensionando the function of the school and adding to this and its work a imensurvel value, and mainly he will be transforming lives that for its attitudes and responsible, critical and creative decisions will transform the world. ‘ ‘ Maranhense literature in the Escola’ ‘ it is the sketch of a project that objective to promote letramento literary management of the medias in the Schools of Average Education of the Maranho providing an innovative education through an adequate aiming allowing that the pupil knows the authors and its different styles in the use of the word, as well as acquires thought freedom, of expression, since the mentioned resources promote the knowledge on the daily one of an express people through ‘ ‘ pensar’ ‘ of the writers of the Maranho.

These thoughts had left the world printed matter now adentraram the virtual world and of the screen of the computer for the classroom.

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