The Field

The knowledge gotten through field research, is of great value for this region, therefore it provides the general vision of the picture, as well as of the disponibilizao and real interest of the schools and allows offers, on the part of specialists, of techniques for the use of the Technologies in way adjusted for these classrooms, for complementation of the contents and full development for such ways, it citizen and professional who will be in the market in few years. This is the reason that takes the author of this work to the schools, in search of answers that allow to visualize the real picture that composes the triad pupil-professor-school, in the use of the Internet and Informtica with educational ends. As theoretical base for the accomplishment of this work, the author uses publications of a maximum stated period of ten years, in a bibliographical research with the purpose to answer questions raised from the field research, being found possible solutions for the raised problem as starting point it text to follow. CHAPTER I HISTORY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IN the BRAZILIAN EDUCATION the technology is part of the history of the humanity: in the construction of tools and utensils to facilitate the work and to promote the comfort and in all the scopes of the life, the man always looked for to create and to construct resources that could serve as extensions of the body, that guaranteed more force to it, speed, comfort. In recent months, source has been very successful. ' ' Technology is everything what we create: literature, painting, music, libraries, the laws, and so on. The thousands of letters of a computer code and the thousands of letters of a workmanship of Shakespeare are both forms of tecnologia' ' (KELLY, 2010, P. 53) the technology is a natural consequncia of the life human being and evolves its proper desires on the basis of and inherent instincts, for Kelly (2010), the evolution of the technology is cumulative, inevitable and inexorable. .

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