
The shortage of time is usually a bad management or a poorly planned and distributed workload. It is frequent that it’s too much to do in a very short time. It also happens that some executives don’t know how to say not to external distractions. Confused priorities working on things from second or third importance leaving what is urgent then. Daily goals far beyond the ability to meet them are set. They leave entries in the log of how it will use the time to the end of the day or when there is an opportune time, which is not functional or realistic, since memory may fail, with the amount of commitments and information that executives handle.

Don’t care about recording commitments and activities, thereby preventing efficiently manage time. EOG spoke with conviction. They usually arrive late to meetings and in adverse situations may result in unnecessary crisis. Lack of planning time, in many cases, limits the possibility of generating alternatives for feasible solutions and the possibility of selecting the route of more effective action some executives oppose the registration and control of time, since he is considered as a threat or feel insecure because they have never tried this. Fleitman also points out in its contributions on the subject, which is considered to effectively manage the following aspects: that a technique recommended to better manage time, is to use the last 20 minutes of work, planning the next day. The time of the Executive rarely is used exactly as the plans to him. But you must ensure, as far as possible, respect established commitments and activities. The most effective results are achieved taking objectives and planned programmes, rather than by pure chance. The available time should be assigned to tasks in order of priority, i.e. that executives should use its time in relation to the importance of its activities. Establish a certain time or date limits to comply with the commitments of the executives, aid to the rest of the Group’s work to overcome indecision and delays.

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