
It is necessary to assume the existence of opinions, positive as as much negative in the network. For this reason, it is important to construct positive a digital identity, to take positions before arriving at situations critics. The strategies fundamental to improve the reputation online of a mark they happen through: Detection: It agrees to use alert systems, to be notified when something referred our name, our mark or keywords is published that interests to us to follow. To clean the negative commentaries that can arise around a mark is not simple nor brief task, is necessary to be permanently informed into each one of the publications by means of a constant monitoring. Prevention: The best prevention to avoid bad opinions or negative commentaries is without doubt our professional ethics at the time of managing our company. Sometimes nevertheless, the competitiveness seen in Internet scales by methodologies seen in other means, not occurring the case that negative opinions are published to discredit to certain company or certain person in intentional form (protected in which some Web sites allow to publish anonymously). Action: During the monitoring of keywords, once detected negative opinions or commentaries, the actions to carry out aim at two objectives: 1. – To eliminate publication nonwished and 2.

– To make inaccessible publication nonwished. The elimination of the publication usually is a quite arduous work and not always it is effective. One is based on manually securing the elimination by means of the dialogue with the administrator of the site that it has published the negative commentary. Sometimes, webmasters accedes to this type of requests to avoid to have legal problems with the company or person to which the content at issue makes reference. On the other hand, to make the negative commentary inaccessible happens to generate content positive of systematic form that, besides contributing to the creation of a positive reputation online, will serve the company to improve its positioning in finders. This one is one of the reasons for which the majority of the marks chooses to have blog active and parallel to their activity in the market, which addition to an adapted presence in social means and another series of habitually used strategies, will cause that we generate a reputation online positive.

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