Adela Alos

To summarize, all organizations need: * a prior task of planning that includes the maintenance and sustainability of digital repositories that are due or be preserved permanently, with their sizing medium to long term. These are part of the corporate memory and contain a knowledge which we must preserve for generations futuras.* have clearly defined digital content to eliminate the complexity and cost that represents the migration of formats in a futuro.* understand that, beyond the ERPs, documentaries managers, tools etc. is essential to have a robust digital repository management system which encompasses aspects such as a defined policy, assigned responsibilities, calendars of conservation and elimination and procedure manuals.The growth and future of the digital universe according to a study in 2007 the digital universe was 282 exabytes; i.e., 282 billion GB, and in 2011 will be ten times higher. The same report indicates that in 2007, for the first time, the amount of information created exceeded than that available on storage systems and concludes by stating that not all information that is created and transmitted is stored in 2011 and it is estimated that half will not have permanent storage. There is not enough awareness of this reality, nor hard prediction conducted Miquel Termens of the Universitat de Barcelona, in the same aforementioned days, when he said that between 90 and 95% of what is being digitized now you will lose. Concerns, or interests, focusing on different aspects, according to the organization.Digital repositories in the empresasEn companies, digital repositories range from hard disks storage of documents which are received or generated, to the corporate applications: ERPs, CRMs, documentary managers, etc. Effectively manage these content becomes a crucial issue for the own survival. Needs focus on fast location of documents needed for an audit or for signing a contract in the commercial follow-up of tenders or in monitoring results.

It is necessary to highlight the importance of confidentiality and, consequently, the necessary access management. Projects that are carrying out-companies worried about proper management of digital repositories? Projects have as objectives: * power to quickly locate a particular document or information within the same company, to improve efficiency * simplify processes, with the reduction of cost of * clearly identify the profiles of people who have access to certain contents.Although they are common requirements with other environments, in this case two concepts that appear more strongly are those of efficiency and cost. Solutions vary considerably between one company or another, since the cultural aspects and leadership are two key elements to carry a project of this type later. In any case, it is necessary to draw up a map of the different digital content linked to the processes of the organization. From the map, it is possible to sort or classify – content, establish some kind of corporate taxonomy or classification table, identify user profiles which expedite the computing tasks when they must give access permissions, and define the different identified digital content life cycle. A solution of this kind must be necessarily linked to a strong involvement of the management and training of the personnel of the company.Taken from: Adela Alos-MonerCompilado by d: Javier Mejia T. original author and source of the article

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