Tag Archives: psychology


The group is understood as a space where the person has the possibility to reflect, to change experiences and where acquires the will to improve its auto-esteem. According to Ribeiro (1999. p 156) ' ' the therapeutical group is a miniature of the life when it allows the reexperincia of daily in the relationships humanos' […]

The Development of Life

The entire development of life, from the simplest forms to man, is becoming an elementary particles psyche huge structure, which includes mankind. Now it becomes clear why so short-lived people. The physical body is there, absorbing the environment of oxygen, water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, information and throws out the waste. Is the accelerated development […]


These issues are already adequately covered chattering parties. I would like to draw readers' attention to the fact that, in fact, the dispute between scientists and biologists, creationists have no relation to science, to biology, and seriously consider it is only possible from a philosophical, psychological, ethical, ideological positions. I deliberately instead of "evolutionists" that […]


As in the maiorias of the traditional cognitivos studies, Juslin and Vstfjll they are centered in explaining the mechanisms of induction of the emotion in a perspective strong centered in neural mechanisms, considering only one part of the body: the brain that it has regions activated for external stimulatons. However, to consider the neurobiolgicos aspects […]


In recent years, with new activity resumed, seemingly long gone in the history of public debate between representatives of the scientific and religious views on the origin of the world. The rapid development of physics, chemistry, Astronomy in the xix and xx centuries is not that science has brought victory in this debate, but simply […]

The Part

Being the ideal mother, that one that kneads and took care of, protecting its son. 4. QUARREL As we can observe, the monoparental family still passes for difficulties in such a way for the responsible person for commanding the family how much for the child who suffers influences from this cuidador and the adversities of […]