
SafeTIC AG: DOC system can be effective life-saving measures by medical laymen Mannheim may 2012: after a cardiac arrest every minute is precious. Who wants to help a people in a situation of emergency, can’t stop himself unhandlicher and complicated rescue devices with the operation. In such a case, the smooth handling and good functionality is crucial. The SafeTIC AG presents their solution for automated external defibrillation, and explains which points here must be especially observed. Unprepared failure of heart function is the cause of death number 1 in Germany: die each year more than 100,000 people in Germany outside of hospitals because. The most common reason for a cardiac arrest is a heart rhythm disorder or a heart attack.

Should be helped in such a case as soon as possible these patients. Every minute that goes by the use of life-saving measures, increases the risk of consequential damages and reduces also the chance of survival by up to 10 percent. Modern automated external defibrillators (AED) make possible a life-saving measures for medical laymen. The application of an AED represents a safe and effective measure in the context of resuscitation according to various studies and statistics », explained Herve Mangonaux, CEO of SafeTIC. The company SafeTIC AG has developed an emergency device especially intuitive reason. This turns the SafeTIC AG of a big challenges: lowering the mortality rate caused by heart attacks. Mangonaux describes the most important advantage of the product of the SafeTIC AG: the DOC solution of SafeTIC AG is characterised in particular by the ease of use.

This saves valuable and life-critical time in emergency situations. » DOC is designed to be served in particular by not medically trained volunteers. It has a built-in Diagnostics, a Fernsprecheinrichtung and an emergency alarm. Thus, action steps, posing a possible risk of errors during the resuscitation, perform automated. The diagnostic function, after attaching the electrodes independently determine whether a ventricular fibrillation occurred. The helper gets directly clear step-by-step instructions by the PSAP by a built-in speakerphone. The rescue teams are also automatically alerted when opening the lid. At home and abroad several lives were rescued thanks to the timely efforts of DOC already. Many well-known companies rely on the SafeTic-defibrillator DOC, which fully complies with all legal requirements for operational rescue systems and prove to be as effective in the first aid has. Deliberately, SafeTIC developed the DOC product for inexperienced and untrained rescuers, taking into account the factor of usability. Because in the event of an emergency a defibrillator must work effectively and reliably, regardless of who serves him. Additional Information on this subject is also available under:. About SafeTIC AG as the only European company SafeTIC AG fingerprint and finger morphology detection systems specializes in. SafeTIC is the European No 1 in the area of enterprise security as a manufacturer of biometric readers and providers of Europe most installed biometric access controls. Also, SafeTIC is the market leader in biometrics and Visio mobility. The SafeTIC AG is represented in the entire value chain of security systems. In Europe alone has the SafeTic AG about 15,000 customers. The SafeTIC AG is Mannheim.

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