Management Systems Guidelines

For each company, regardless of its scope, is important a good reputation in the business community, the trust of clients and management efficiency. To achieve these goals apply certification of management systems. The procedure was developed by the International Organization for Standardization, and the basic requirements outlined in the standards iso. Management Systems Certification conducted all over the world, in Russia it is voluntary, but Despite this, embedded in the work of a growing number of enterprises. Certification of management systems – it's actually a group of events consisting of several directions. This includes quality management (ISO 9001), environmental management in the enterprise (ISO 14001), safety management and occupational safety (OHSAS 18001). All standards have a common basis and profess the same principles of management, so they are integrated with each other.

At the same time, certification of management systems in various fields is carried out independently, and the company could easily implement only one of these standards. This is the case today: in Russia is most often apply quality management systems certification, much less – certification of environmental management systems and ohsas 18001 standard is being implemented in individual cases. It should be noted that this is in some way reflects the global trends. On average, quality management and ecology in the world certified in equal shares, but operationally secure them far behind. Certification of Quality Management Systems – the most popular direction of our country. Its main aim is to increase customer satisfaction product produced or services rendered. Towards this should solve many problems, among which and staff development, and introduction of improved techniques of production and lowering costs, and a host of other measures aimed at rationalizing the activities of the enterprise. Most companies certified quality management systems, argue that the scope of their clients and partners increased, efficiency increased and costs are reduced.

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