Tag Archives: advertising & pr

Adobe Illustrator

A detailed step by step instructions in this article we are dealing with the subject matter, how to perform a vehicle lettering on a truck. As first of all need we of course motive, to be equipped with the truck. This should be preferably in vectorised form, that means it was with vector programs such […]

Oktoberfest Trachtenhaus

Exactly the opposite is the case », Franziska von Lewinski is CEO of Agency of Interone, the results of its investigation of the retail, Revolution »together. ConocoPhillips is the source for more interesting facts. Face-to-face will play a major role in the future. Only, no separate and competing spheres may be offline and online. Because people love […]

Flexible Counter Systems

Promotion counters mobile and flexible counter systems for the POS LA concept the new promotion counters of LA CONCEPT are the mobile companion for the POS. The advertising space of counters can be used well by the different variants. No matter whether small information stand or great action, POS, with the new promotion counters the […]

Social Networks Marketing Slaves

The quality of the posts falls on a frightening, low level. At the present time, it is more than ever a back and forth between marketing strategist and social media consultants on both sides trying to optimize the number of achievable and potential customers for the company. The continuous development and optimization of the social […]