
Biometrics, such as attendance, is useful in stores, schools, offices, State organizations, private companies and libraries; regardless of the size of these. In addition, checks, biometrics, have many uses as logging visits, control of access, biometric door fingerprint readers and even facial recognition scanners. Biometric systems are devices that identify people, by one or more physical characteristics. This is done using an automatic process and may involve the scanning of a footprint, eyes, hand and even a voice recognition. However, the assistance system, biometric, more popular is the fingerprint scanner. With this appliance, each time employee comes to work or leaves him, he placed his finger on a reader that, through special software, verifying new fingerprints scanned are in a base of data, together with the identification of each employee. If this happens you It registers this time and that person can access a given site. Biometrics is used to attest that each person who enters a place of work, is who claims to be.

When an employee register in a fingerprint scanner, for the first time, the software records an image of your fingerprint and associated with that employee identification number. The image taken measures the relationship of several points of a fingerprint and so that different images of each employee are obtained. Several schools already using biometric systems, to have complete information of each student, which helps parents and teachers to notice quickly student absences. Also, a useful tool, is deployed to prevent impersonation at examinations or tests. Example of this can be seen in United States and England, where several educational institutions have installed fingerprint as anti-fraud mechanisms readers. The use of biometrics in schools is not only limited to systems against fraud, since it is also useful for the delivery of school lunches, for the loan of library material and even for the use of lockers. Biometric systems and biometric clocks in particular offer many possibilities, it will always be an advantage count with these devices.

In addition, thanks to recent advances, these devices are increasingly cheaper and easier to install, so there are no excuses for not approaching them. It is a link that explains everything related to biometric systems. For this link we can know the history of these systems and much more.

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