Venezuela Administrative

There is no denying that you originated many threats in the survival of some SMEs are industrial, consumer, textile, until the end, that all of this has generated a low non-productivity in the business sector of the country, leading to that to meet the demand for some products, especially in the basic having to resort to imports, aspect that has seriously damaged many national companies and to them consumers-this has had effect to which Venezuela has become more dependent on generators countries not only technology, but products, services that the country needs to guarantee the satisfaction of your demand on basic food products, agricultural, for pointing out some consumers. Drafting specifically, does the absence of a good management has seriously affected the organizational behaviour of firms and how this has been detrimental to the development, role of them, as well as its organizational climate, productivity?

Mora: Significantly, the absence of a management not prepared for the changes that have occurred in the national scenario, in the environment where they operate, has affected its organizational behavior, for this purpose, it is necessary to evaluate some aspects where implications, involving from the administrative structure, which has been forced to restructure many administrative units, to give way to new functional manuals that is clearly seen take into account, what should be the performance according to the economic, political, technological, competitive reality that the present demand for each of the units, Department, as well as what should be the most efficient administrative system, which avoid wastage of time, costs, bureaucracy and more functional operating the company. There is a lack of a visionary management, which interpret the requirements that are manifested, product of the variables of contingencies and everything demanded by the current scenarios, neglecting the training, development and optimization of the adequate management of the human resource. This leads to unproductive, inappropriate use of capital of the human resource, its creative, innovative potential, creativity, effort, performance, ensuring productivity, cohesion and a good dynamic of computers giving way to favourable outcomes for all..

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