The Factors

For in such a way according to KIDDER, (1970) the passage he would not have been made deuma time alone, that is, this paleolithic man could have stopped the qualquermomento of its day in any one of these islands and have continued up to one (island) that he mame look like sustenance probability better. The chronological dating of this culture, edas excessively subsequent was characterized for one accented setting difficulty; it enters some of the factors that make it difficult this dating are, the disposal dossambaquis (accumulations of bones, and garbage) that they are placed immerged into the litoraljapons. This phenomenon occurs for the fact of the archipelago in remote times terestado under d' water and now to be ' ' emergindo' '. Speculations say that the Japocontinental emerges about 1cm per year. In this rise of the continent in relation to aomar the archaeologists they work in the sambaquis, that had survived.

This ' ' eventogeolgico' ' it happens according to gegrafos given the instability accented in the superfcienipnica on account of this region to place itself in a tectnica plate (Plate doPacfico) in great activity. Therefore a phenomenon of &#039 would have occurred at some moment in the Japanese formaogeolgica; ' imerso' ' territorial, being agoraocorrendo the inverse one of this event. Another factor that makes it difficult the dating dosossos is ' ' contaminao' ' for nuclear radiation, after the atomic bombs lanadasno Japan during the second war. It was proven that estaradiao modifies the structure of carbon 14, becoming it scientifically older of querealmente is. Intent to this they arquelogostomam them factor for certain the datings made before the impact of the bombs in Japan. However, the Jomon man, would be the correspondenteAsitico to the man of the paleolithic period this about 10. 202 B.C. Although its aproximadaantiguidade, stipulated itself to portray it through the material that better resistiuao time, its ceramics.

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