
2013 The major trends of the SicherheitsExpo SafeTIC AG introduces Mannheim August 2013. From the 3rd to the 4th of July, one of the leading trade fairs for security technology in German-speaking countries was held in Munich the SicherheitsExpo. The SafeTIC AG takes this as an opportunity to report on the latest industry trends and informs about new solutions and challenges when the protection against security threats. Approximately 120 exhibitors from home and abroad presented modern security solutions in the categories of fire safety, building safety, communication and data protection on July 3rd and 4th in the MOC Munich event Center. The special exhibition is aimed primarily at safety officers in companies and wants to raise the General awareness of security issues, so SafeTIC. The SafeTIC AG makes available to see further information about the exhibition. Complex security solutions for industry, logistics, trade, banks and authorities were supplemented by an extensive addition the exhibition areas and Programme of the Conference, which provided participants an opportunity to Exchange on important security issues.

Over 4,500 square meters of exhibition space security companies and high-profile speakers informed the interested public a comprehensive range of topics. Among the advantages and uses of IP-based video surveillance systems as well as fire protection concepts were discussed in addition to the change of security concepts and the requirements of contemporary people and access control systems as part of enterprise security. In this proven form the SicherheitsExpo took place time for 10, which clearly underlines the importance of OSH in the economy for the SafeTIC AG. Safe TIC: the Bavarian Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann had initial awarding of the PROTECTOR award on SicherheitsExpo under the patronage of the SicherheitsExpo, on which this year, for the first time a prize was awarded. The award ceremony of the PROTECTOR Award for safety technology was carried out in three categories, Access control, video surveillance and threat detection technology. Already, the next event date is fixed, informed the SafeTIC. The year’s SicherheitsExpo will take place from 2nd to 3rd July 2014, also in Munich. About SafeTIC AG, SafeTIC AG with headquarters in Mannheim is a company that specializes in biometric systems with fingerprint and finger morphology. SafeTIC is represented also in the areas of video surveillance, the intrusion detection technology (EMA) and the person protection of brand DOC (remote controlled defibrillator). The SafeTIC aims to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with a practicable and cost-rational technology in the form of a security solution for personal protection, as well as the effective protection of sensitive premises.

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