Mystery Shopping Service

R & B Group for several years actively uses Mystery shopping (other names services: Hidden buyer, Mystery Shopper, Mystery Shopper, Practical buying, etc.) in their work. The demand for this service today is quite high and it growing. For most companies, high-quality service is key to successful development is a competitive advantage. Trade sector, for example, is undergoing significant changes: develop modern forms of service and retail formats used by European standards and technologies, increased demands on the level of customer service. The company collaborates with a number of large companies – leaders in different markets. With projects Mystery shopping clients tend to see the strengths and weaknesses of the service, to improve it, to enforce standards of employees, improve corporate culture. Mystery shopping is most effective working for organizations that have a large retail network, such as banks, food services, a network of supermarkets and others.

It should be stressed that the impact is not so much the amount of the network, as in Client approach to the project itself and its results. Only after Mystery shopping is on a monitoring framework that is regular, and the results are used efficiently, the client can rely on the efficiency and Mystery shopping the desired result. In the West developed a number of techniques assessing the quality of service, the most well-known and frequently used is the Mystery shopping. It is widely used in the U.S. and Europe. In recent years, it trend has become popular in Ukraine. Mystery shopping allows you to evaluate staff performance in terms of regular customers.

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