
Dear motorists! Currently growing fleet of cars is becoming more and more, this is very spasobstvuet auto lending. For the country of course happy, but there is a downside, the more machines, the more accidents or abbreviated accident. The number of accidents affect not only the number of vehicles but the drivers skill. Watching over how to teach in our driving schools, want to cry. With accidents understandable, but I would like to talk about what awaits the motorist after he got into an accident, but rather on an independent Motor-Car.

Motor-Car, or determining the amount of repair the car – it is mandatory procedure for obtaining insurance compensation for prichenenny material damage. Let us see what mistakes are made when a person conducting an independent evaluation. After the accident, a man turns to the insurance company for reimbursement (not important at Hull or OSAGO), the insurance he was told that everything is fine and the date appointed for the examination of their full-time appraiser. During this examination the person will first have to pay between 700 to 1500 rubles, in every region, of course differently. On the appointed day, he will conduct examination, after a few days, our people will receive a report on the amount of repair, but most likely he did not like this amount. Why? Yes, because the expert is working for an insurance company, and as you know, the insurance company is not profitable to pay large sums of money. And what do the man whom so cruelly deceived? There should be a fully independent Motor-Car in the company, but here too there are pitfalls, in another appeal and the expertise he may deem it there an amount that will satisfy him, but when he brings in the new insurance quote, it just simply will cut it.

Yes, that's because they can and say that to solve the issue through the courts and here is a person understands what you need to sue, but in the office, where he assessed, there is no legal support. Here's what you get, the man gave 700-1500 rubles per expertise in the insurance itself, gave an independent examination, and there services are more expensive, from 3000 to 5000 thousand, and now he needs or simply to hire a lawyer, or again make a new assessment, but already the company with legal support. As a result, people spend a large sum of money, has not received it, let alone the time and say no. Findings are, if you are not satisfied with the amount that you are counted in the insurance company, please contact directly to the firm, which conducts Independent Motor-Car and have a professional lawyer. Remember this and you will save money, time and nerves. And another useful tip. If the case came to court, be sure to order the appraisal firm in a pleasant service, the calculation of tcb. For those who do not know, tcb – is the loss of commercial value, it could get every person whose car at the time of the accident was not older than 5 years. Insurance companies do not pay a tcb, just do not want to, but judicial pay. The amount of tcb can reach up to 40% of the total damage to the car, but it is impossible to predict, it is calculated by a special computer program. Dear motorists take these two prompts me for a note. Good luck on the roads.

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