Frontieres Medical

« EASYDENTIC Germany AG is donating to ‘Doctors without borders’ Mannheim in January 2010: the EASYDENTIC Germany AG expresses solidarity with the victims of the Haiti earthquake disaster and has the charity Medecins sans Frontieres » transferred an amount of 1,980 euros. EASYDENTIC informs about the scale of the disaster and in particular reported the valuable medical aid of organization doctors without borders ». The number of victims of the January 12 earthquake is still not exactly to estimate. Alone in Delmas, the slums of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, are several hundred deaths on sidewalks and lawns, among them many children and babies. The Haitian Government speaks of a number of 140,000 deaths. 40,000 bodies had already been buried, the Minister Aramick Louis responsible for the internal security said. He further said that the number of deaths could rise to up to 200,000. The team of doctors without borders »were after information of EASYDENTIC Germany AG already in the first hours after the Earthquake in use.

More than 700 employees are currently in and around Port-au-Prince medical emergency. You work currently at the Choscal hospital in the Martissant Health Center, the Trinite hospital, at Carrefour hospital, in the Jacmel hospital. In addition, they establish a 100-bed inflatable hospital in the Delmas region and explore other places outside the capital to help. «  » More freight with relief items are now crucial for the continuation of urgently needed medical assistance: it is like working in a war zone « , says Rosa Crestani, medical coordinator of doctors without borders » at the Choscal hospital. We have no morphine, to take the pain for our patients.

We can not accept aircraft with life-saving medical equipment continues to be rejected, while our patients die. Priority must be given medical supplies », so Crestani. After information of EASYDENTIC Germany AG has doctors without borders »so far around 3,000 people in several locations in the capital city Port-au-Prince medical supplies and carried out more than 400 operations. The donation to the doctors organization, the European security company EASYDENTIC aims to contribute a part to alleviate the current misery in Haiti. About the company EASYDENTIC the EASYDENTIC Group specializes as a single European company fingerprint and finger morphology detection systems. The EASYDENTIC group is committed to the goal, becoming by 2010 the European no. 1 in enterprise security as a manufacturer of biometric readers, as the market leader in the fields of biometrics and Visio mobility and as a provider of Europe most frequently installed biometric access controls. The EASYDENTIC group is represented in the entire value chain of security systems. In Europe, more than 15,000 customers entrust the company.

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