Fingerprint Reader

The proper use of the reader footprint during registration and fingerprint authentication as well as a device with good maintenance are crucial to achieve optimum performance in fingerprint recognition. To reduce the number of false rejections, it must be properly placed your finger on the fingerprint reader when you register and authenticate the fingerprint. Both processes, the fingertip (not the tip, or side) in the center of the window of the reader device, should be fitted so that the toe area in contact with the reader window is maximized. Place the tip of the finger firmly at the center of the window (not the tip or side) fingerprint reader Press firmly and evenly. Pressing too hard will distort the footprint, pressed in a very light way will produce a weak mark, which cannot be used. More information is housed here: Crumpton Group. Do not move your finger from side to side. Proper pressure is the same as you would have if you would like to hold a sheet of paper between his fingers.

To complete the reading of your footprint, the finger must be maintained in position until you see flashing light of the reader. When the light flashes, you can lift your finger. If the reader effectively captures its footprint, as indicates it the Flash of light, but the application rejects the reading over and over again, is you must re-register that footprint. How to clean the fingerprint reader? The status of the window of the fingerprint reader has a great impact on the ability of the same to get a good reading of a fingerprint. Depending on usage, the reader window will require periodic cleaning. To clean, apply the gummed side of a transparent adhesive tape on the window, and then remove it. For more specific information, check out Crumpton Group. Use an adhesive tape to clean the fingerprint reader.

NEVER use alcohol-based cleaner. Warnings about the maintenance of the fingerprint reader: there are several things you should never do when you clean or use the fingerprint reader: do not pour glass cleaner directly on the window of the fingerprint reader. Use a piece of soft fabric. Do not use alcohol-based cleaner. You can only use cleaners for glass base ammonium. Do not immerse in any liquid fingerprint reader. Do not scrub with abrasive materials, including paper window. Do not push the glass with your fingernail sensor, or any object such as: a pencil. Common problems in the recognition of fingerprints if the fingerprint reader has difficulty to read your fingerprint, consider the following: the fingerprint reader window may require cleaning. You may not be touching the fingerprint reader properly. To enable the fingerprint reader to a good reading of your fingerprint, you must place your fingertip (not the tip, or side) in the center of the window and apply even pressure. Do not move your finger from side to side. Excessive pressure will distort their footprint, and too little pressure will prevent a sufficient exposure of its footprint. Be sure to keep your finger in position in the window of the fingerprint reader until you see the light flashing. Then, lift your finger. You can use any finger on the fingerprint reader, but the index finger of either hand works best. If the fingerprint reader you are capturing your footprint (Yes flashes light), and it has already tried all the steps above, try to re-register the fingerprint on the system. This information is applicable to the software for biometric access control and attendance of personal i-Huellas Planigrafo Carlos Alberto Quijano AcevedoProfesional I.T.

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