Brake Discs: Myths And Realities

It so happened that the scope of development and manufacturing of brake discs is closed in terms of information. And this is logical, since a slight change in the composition or the production of brake disks of technology directly affects the its properties. And who wants to advertise his own successful technology? Nevertheless, the desire to choose the perfect car enthusiast discs large. And this will help us to specialists. Big name producers (eg English, will present his legendary discs EBC), reveal the secrets of their technology. But, alas, such examples of unity.

Nevertheless, for all the brake discs have common weaknesses and we with them a look. Frequent, familiar to many motorists – the curved discs. The official explanation services like "You overheated wheels and moved them into the pool", thereby relinquishing responsibility. Or, "you put brake discs Zimmermann, and not the original. Hence the problem. " We will understand: no factory car manufacturer does not produce brake discs. All brake discs are purchased by tender from the developer of brakes, and packed with a box that says Toyota, BMW, etc.

And the price, at the same time, 2-3 times higher than the brake discs from the same manufacturer, but without the stigma of automobile. Our test results showed that, as the alloy and the wear resistance brake discs Zimmermann far superior to the original disks most European and Asian brands. Feel the beat of the steering wheel when braking from high speeds? Do not rush to bury the brake disks and run on a groove. The reasons may be several beats, and not all of them – in the drive. Secret simple: the inhibition involves several nodes, and in fact – each of them may be the root cause. The nearest help change the brake fluid, brake calipers prevention or replacement of brake pads. The correct diagnosis can only authority. And the recommendation in terms of preventing problems with the brake discs. The same distortion of the disc can easily be caused by incorrect installation of: crude hub, podklinivshy support or simply worn out brake pads install the new drive. If we compare this with the price of a pair of high quality brake discs, the savings on the service questionable. And do not forget: the brakes – this is Life!

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