Albert Einsten

Terramoza began to collect the debris and attend some repechages – never missing, took more than one hour away!, after a pause, Recline my sorry and to sleep – I said-, shut off the lights and do good? Goodnight, the came about not know how many agents of martyrdom was left to hear the sweet voice of the Terramoza-now was proyectadota of movies – now you spend the filmdo: I spell, appeared the images, with artists who seemed to be in a shouting contest, appeared explosions, cars that crashing in the middle of infernal noise, I think that a few of the 60 passengers saw the film .and the rest? the rest of revolcaba in your sorry for trying to sleep, some gorditos managed to sleep in the middle of snoring, rales, and periods of apnea, until it eventually function had spent about 3 hours (more than 30% of the journey) and not they were left to sleep, I thought that it is no longer as before the Bus stopped to eat in places known to chauffeurs, damn criminals! because of thieves already lost this habit. But better, I stopped thinking about that reason, will not occur that climb thieves, read my thoughts and sow me a couple of bummer Uufff, sera by the marketing.sera by the competition (total, so is competition Knight no more), surveys have been carried out to the public (to my never asked me pineapple well) is so, loose my opinion surely some will want to upload to a Bus and with the lights off from the startgo to sleep, some may prefer to dine at home and travel sleeping or reviewing tasks, there are those who have no interest in movies but still bad and hectic finally seems to me that you must apply the system of listening to the customer-SEC-as in the sector health and make official in charge of INDECOPI surveys or other agencies that advocate for the consumer, the user and ask to the passenger if you agree with this bulla and suddenly there are surprises and found other forms with less less trauma, acoustic and ophthalmic give a dinner and deliver a film, for example creating spaces for gluttons and moviegoers and other spaces for those who want to think and sleep-well was resolved years ago, after complaints and discussions the problem with smokers and non-smokers, or suddenly the majority wants that all follow the same, (most sends), overall we are in democracy and this suggestion is that: an Opinion should remember that the people are wise, with a survey we can awaken the wisdom of our people travel and improve the quality of a trip that is really a MARTYRDOM, terrestrial entrepreneurs should remember to Albert Einsten who used to say anyone who is not careful about small matters – such as this that we are commenting on -also knows that quality is a mobile target, so it cannot be trusted in important matters – as providing security, satellite control, drivers monitored from its base etc. you need to apply the three basic rules to give with the: planning, leadership and above all Control and in this last detail, gives it to appearance that are failing, as already has been already generated a current of discontent with these traumas otic and ophthalmic that must be overcome.

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