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Didactics Of Sperior Education

EMILIO the PRADO OF the FONSECA Many professors who act in education had not passed for one adjusted preparation to assume the teaching function. He acts in the educational field as form of complementation of the familiar income and not as vocation or main activity or of exclusive devotion. That is, it ‘ ‘ est’ […]

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It is thought about the death. The death triturates the being, destroys the brain, reduces the dust the secrets contained in the memory of the cerebral cortex. The death finishes with the spectacle of the life. to die, for human us, is thing that would have to be taken off of the vocabulary, therefore, the […]

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The Neuroses

It has a small stretch of one of the interned ones where it says: ' ' It does not look the reasons of my internment. It does not look for to know who I am in the official registers. It listens to me, I am an orphan rejected of sociedade' '. Of – to ahead […]

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Later Ministrante

N of participants: 20 the 30 the ministrante choose 6 people of the group, each one of these people will represent a pertaining to school problem: violence, evasion, indiscipline, reprovao, repetncia and me the management. Later the ministrante it announces that the remain of the group will have to form pairs, distributes for each pair […]

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