Metal Working

Do I need to be primed before applying the filler surface? The application of putty on the primed surface greatly improves its adhesion What enamel can be applied to surfaces coated with an epoxy filler? On epoxy putty (putty EP-0010) can be applied to the enamel of the following types: melamine-alkyd, urea, nit-rotsellyuloznye, nitroepoksidnye, perhlor-vinyl, polyurethane, epoxy, epoxy etinolevye. For some primers can be applied nitro lacquer and nitroemali? Nitroemali and nitro lacquer can be applied on properly dried primers such as primer VL-02, AK-069 primer, primer AK-070, GF-021 primer, primer FL-03K. What type of paint can be applied to the surface, painted or nitroenamels nitro lacquer? The films have a satisfactory nitropokryty adgeeiyu to enamels nitrotsel-lyuloznym, nitrogliftalevym, nitroepoksidnym. Because of low adhesion to them must not be applied melamine, urea, perchlorovinyl, alkyd enamels, lacquers and primers. How to protect enamel AC-554 from atmospheric influences? Apply two coats of varnish AC-528, which has increased atmosphere of the bone. It is well-protected fluorescent enamels from fading. What can be diluted with linseed oil alkyd enamel? Thinned enamel glyptal or pension taftalevogotipa linseed oil is unacceptable. The introduction of drying oils can cause the collapse of enamels and coatings dramatically reduce the quality of vitality pentaphthalic What varnishes in giving them 10-15% of aluminum powder? In this case, the viability of less than 10 hours, after which the powder acquires a gray shade, settles to the bottom, loses its ability to form a shiny silver surface with good protective properties. Powder should be mixed with paint before work and ready to part used during one shift.

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