Disclose Education

Introduction the sprouting of ' ' globalizao' ' or ' ' Society of the Informao' ' in the end of century XX, it was characterized for the dissemination of the information and the knowledge. With this, the use of the computers if makes each more evident time in all the areas of the society. This new technology stimulates the search of more information and a bigger number of relations between the information, beyond promoting the cooperation between its users. (PINE, 2007) This modern version of ' ' Industrial&#039 revolution; ' it led to the development of some areas related to the Technology of the Information, being that one of the benefited areas more was of the education. The sprouting of new technologies makes possible the sprouting of the ED (Education in the distance), a well old concept of learning already. The Technology of the Information helped to transmutar the idea of ' ' education of low quality and little eficiente' ' in one of the forms most modern, looked and accessible of learning in the scene of the current education.

The expansion of the ED Education in the distance or (ED) is a learning method where it does not have a physical interaction between the pupil and the educator, whom contact through diverse tools keeps: computer, you emend, digital medias, among others. The education environment migrou of the classroom, for a virtual environment with diverse resources and tools that make possible the pupil to carry through different tasks proposals for the professors. Diverse institutions of education already had adhered the ED. The courses of after-graduation and extension are the ones that more are offered in the modality in the distance, therefore the fact to be shorter and more specific they not only facilitate the search as the continuity of the pupil until its conclusion. However, today, many institutions already offer its courses of graduation in the distance.

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