Cuban Process

Taking into account new unquestionable reality that computing in the school should be used as a working tool and as an intellectual tool for the participation of the personal skills of students in terms of solving problems creatively. As a means of teaching courseware constitutes a vital elementode importance to the achievement of the objectives of the transformations of the Cuban school. In this endeavour the attention towards a new didactic concept for the design of materials, evaluation, selection and use of the same, to allow orient teachers in this regard. The use of educational software in our schools is still young and in the efforts to achieve a development in this regard. There is a big absentee, the evaluation of the educational impact of the inserciondel software in integral formative process of the basic secondary, which may be an element that brings dividends in favour of the teaching-learning process in this purpose. To evaluate the educational impact, is valued its potential, its use, described qualitatively, the learning process that was used, thus facilitating the incorporation of the same and, therefore, the preparation of teachers to achieve this end. By what the author there is the next problem scientist: how to evaluate the educational impact of the inclusion of educational software in the integral formative process of the children (a) seventh-grade of the basic secondary school Pedro Ortiz Cabrera of the municipality of Artemis?. Taking as object the formative process integral of the children (a) seventh-grade of the basic secondary school Pedro Ortiz Cabrera of the municipality of Artemisay as a field or field of Research: the inclusion of the educational software as a means of learning in such a process, the objective of the research resulted in: determine dimensions and indicators that would allow to assess the educational impact of the inclusion of educational software in the integral formative process of the children (a) seventh-grade of the basic secondary school Pedro Ortiz Cabrera of the municipality of Artemisay from the samepropose instruments and techniques that facilitate diagnosing and characterizing the real state of the use by teachers in educational software as a medium of instruction in a sample of the Centre and object of study.

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