Attracting Traffic Online

There are some basic rules to be followed in order to attract potential visitors was as effective as possible: Clearly show zashedshem visitor to his benefit. Usually sites are trying to specify this information in the form of advertisements or by using the illustrations on the front pages of the site. Provide part-time access to content. Visitor should always be able to get acquainted with the site before register. You will never buy a pig in a poke? And the time spent in registration in vain, no one will return.

Show that the membership is absolutely free. Usually this is shown next to the registration in the community. Make a minimum registration. And little by little to offer the user complete the remaining registration data, encouraging him to do so by limiting the blank questionnaire to certain sections of the site. The most important thing – These activities should not cause a visitor dissatisfaction and should be as easy to use. Indicate the current size of the community.

If the community only grows, you can specify that additional statistics which is sure to attract the attention of visitors to the portal. Specify the most famous people, popular leaders. If there is no need to attract them. Remember that the most effective way to spread information is a recommendation. And what could be better recommendation authoritative person? Add a sightseeing tour of the site is not necessary. But if you add it when creating a need to consider several important moments: a tour should be simple to understand, contain images, attract attention and quickly to boot.

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