The Other

The teacher of complex way. The children of simple way. What relation is between the nature and the nature and as the one depends on the other for the reality of the things? Conceptual map and short definition and need. What relation is between the nature and the set and as they depend the one on the other for the reality of the things? What relation is between the nature and the existence and as the one depends on the other for the reality of the things? And so on in the order of the scale. Thus the children will walk occupied with the reason and the experience. Since they must make Map and short definition conceptual and he needs.

The withdrawn one will have to know how to teach mathematical basic and the mathematical theoretics. 1. postulates nature and nature. 1. the nature depends on itself like identity principle. 2. the nature in spite of the different energy levels conserves its property like natural object.

3. the nature is the material support of the physical systems. JOSE ORLANDO MELO NARANJO TRAINING IN BASIC THEORY OF MATHEMATICS 2 The educational one will have first to explain this of a complex way and after the way simple and to stress that all this is very simple. Using examples if it wishes, of Biology, the mathematics, the physics, the philosophy. Etc. GENERAL CULTURE but the aim is to design a space field of logic in brings back to consciousness of the children. This subject will have to dictate of the primary degree 4 of until the degree 8. Total 5 years. In the degree ninth they will have to present/display its thesis in relation to this subject that saw. REQUISITE OF DEGREE 2. postulates nature and set 1.

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