Brown Boy

I will take as corpus the book the Brown boy of Ziraldo, writing in 1986, which, although to present the black as protagonist, presents a disrespect to the black race, contributing, thus, for the myth of the racial democracy, the escamoteao of the preconception, as well as for the propagation of this. For esteretipo it is understood: Hasty generalization: something is overcome as universal truth that was observed in one alone individual. (…) construction of esteretipo can to give for ignorance or when it has an objective to give as true something that is false, with the purpose to take off advantage of the situation (BERD, 1988 p.09). In the case of the Brown Boy it is perceived that, escaping the idealizao proposal in the decade of 80, the book presents, in subtle way, a racist vision etnocntrica, permeada for the creation of esteretipo that it glimpses the depreciation of the black. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger contributes greatly to this topic. ' ' …

the rose boy decided to ask: why you come all the day to see velhinha to cross the street? the brown boy answered: I want to see it to be atropelada' ' (ZIRALDO, 1986, p.24). Here, he is clearly that the black, although protagonist, continues being associated to the marginalizao, strengthened for esteretipo of that ' ' all black 5 is delinquent ' ' , what it implies to say that the alluded book contributes more to strengthen esteretipos of what to desconstruir them. The heading of the book is another point that deserves attention, a time that this already accuses a lack of ethnic-racial identity, if to lead in account that the ethnic-racial belonging of the brown boy is an incognito, therefore the book leaves clearly that races do not exist, but, yes, colors. Of this form, the brown boy if does not recognize while black, the author of subtle form, passes to the reader whom the brown boy if approaches the crossbred ideal more than, arraigado in imaginary social.' ' …

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