Appositive B2Br In BPO For The Health Sector

With a modeloindito of terceirizao, the solution understands the rendering of services and agesto of the infrastructure of technology for companies of health plans, public and private hospitals, state, federal and municipal, clinical governments and laboratories. The BPO of Health makes possible the adoption of the pronturioeletrnico, the consultation online of examinations, beyond perfecting the management doestoque of remedies and materials and optimizing the use of the resources comoleitos and staff. The solution of the B2Br is to modulate, what permitea gradual implementation and the integration with tecnolgicaspr-existing tools. The first and more excellent module is called Handbook Electronic/Cartodo Citizen. It offers to the storage of the handbook with all asinformaes of the patient in an only archive, available in any unit deatendimento 24 hours per day, seven days of the week. With this they are atendimentostornam, much more agile and assertive, since the health professionals to podemter access previously the preexisting or chronic information of consultations and prescribed medicines, illnesses, carried through allergies, treatments etc.

electronic Opronturio also guarantee bigger trustworthiness of informaesquando compared with the handbook in paper and make possible the mapeamentoepidemiolgico of the community, by means of analyses of crossing of dadosclnicos, administrative and managemental. The Management deMatrias and Medicines optimize the access and control of the supplies in temporeal, as well as the integration with the Electronic Lapsing; reducing apossibilidade of medicine delivery without lapsing or in duplicity. Almdisso, helps to improve the planning of purchases of products and remedies and leva otimizao of the use of the resources. Already the Gestode module laboratories and images, offers to the comfort of aosresultados access online of examinations in the maximum 48 hours, what it minimizes the loss of time ede resources with the elimination of the necessity of repetitions of examinations due aextravios. This service also guarantees the access to the description of the patient, the quefacilita the diagnosis. The called option Regulation, Control and Evaluation makes possible the management of stream beds, resources and pessoasdentro of the institution or net of health. Moreover, it allows to the evaluation doatendimento for the professionals of health and the proper patients. ‘ ‘ These solutions deterceirizao are indicated so that institutions, in such a way private quantopblicas, can focar its efforts in its activity end – the health installment deservios – while we take account of the infrastructure of technology.

In this manner, resources are optimized and atendimentos occur content it dospacientes’ ‘ , it affirms Peter Rondon, president of the B2Br. The option pelaterceirizao of the technology services guarantees the preservation dosinvestimentos of the companies, since the contract is based on guarantees deresultados with rigid rules of SLA (Service Level Agreement) and altadisponibilidade. ‘ ‘ In the practical one, this means that the B2Br is responsible portodo the technological apparatus of the contracted solution, delivering to a service dequalidade that constantly is evaluated and melhorado’ ‘ , complete Rondon.

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